This type of questions are similar to scheduling: Four to five individuals have different requirements for meeting rooms/offices and you have to allocate them into the right places. In general they are not hard questions, while in some cases you may want to use the timeslot paper to note down everybody’s booked activities. Look at below example:

There is a common tip to all scheduling questions: meet the special requirements first. Take this example:
- Alex needs telephone but Room 3 is not available at 9:30am, so he has to go to Room 1.
- Chris needs projector from 11am, so he has to go to Room 2 as Room 1 is till being used by Alex.
- Emma needs projector from 2pm, so she needs Room 1.
- David needs telephone from 12pm – 4pm, he has to go to Room 3.
- Bob has no requirement but after arranging all others, he could only take Room 2.